Derma Regent Whitening Series
A DERMA REGENT Set contents:
DAY lotion (250 ML)
Night Lotion (250ml)
Derma Regent effective for skin whitening body evenly dg result a relatively short but safe with no side effects whatsoever, even safe for pregnant and lactating mothers. Safe use in the long run so you get protection and skin care perfect reply.
Koiji, seaweed, bengkoang, olive, vco without mercury, hydrocuinon cow and soda or other harmful zat2
A DERMA REGENT Set contents:
DAY lotion (250 ML)
Night Lotion (250ml)
Derma Regent effective for skin whitening body evenly dg result a relatively short but safe with no side effects whatsoever, even safe for pregnant and lactating mothers. Safe use in the long run so you get protection and skin care perfect reply.
Koiji, seaweed, bengkoang, olive, vco without mercury, hydrocuinon cow and soda or other harmful zat2
the soap
at least 3 minutes
of the bath 2-3x a day (the
old air silenced
before flushing, more will result maximum).
sel2 skin off
while you perfect
raised rubbing will
direct and skin
looks bright! soap
derma even very
quickly whiten skin charred d skin or even the sun for genetic factors.
spots fade and
flatten helping the body of face looks bright
and natural white,
reduce guratan2, wrinkle,
Soap derma *** use as a body mask if necessary / very needed (d skin conditions for this very dull, black and aging early)
Rub the soap in hand *** how and give a little water lather, rub the foam into the hands, feet and agency (except face) to do in the body of dry hours before then half bath mandi.diamkan / rinse with water skin to slow when bersih.gosok unt need to eliminate dirt / no skin off mmbntu pemngangkatan sel2 after that - for use any lotion maximal after bathing to perfect result. derma night lotion used since may day afternoon when the sun is not more body stinging / lg skin not need the sun protection trhdp shock. if deleted / repeat not use in water lotion charity.
Price: Rp. 180,000. -
CP . 085 852 171 115/085 236 701 787
NB. Price does not include shipping costs
Soap derma *** use as a body mask if necessary / very needed (d skin conditions for this very dull, black and aging early)
Rub the soap in hand *** how and give a little water lather, rub the foam into the hands, feet and agency (except face) to do in the body of dry hours before then half bath mandi.diamkan / rinse with water skin to slow when bersih.gosok unt need to eliminate dirt / no skin off mmbntu pemngangkatan sel2 after that - for use any lotion maximal after bathing to perfect result. derma night lotion used since may day afternoon when the sun is not more body stinging / lg skin not need the sun protection trhdp shock. if deleted / repeat not use in water lotion charity.
Price: Rp. 180,000. -
CP . 085 852 171 115/085 236 701 787
NB. Price does not include shipping costs
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Derma Regent Whitening Series
Satu Set DERMA REGENT isinya:
Lotion DAY (250 ML)
Lotion NIGHT (250ML)
Derma Regent efektif untuk memutihkan kulit badan secara merata dg hasil
yg relatif singkat tapi aman tanpa efek samping apapun juga, bahkan
aman digunakan untuk ibu hamil dan menyusui. Aman digunakan dalam jangka panjang sehingga kulit anda mendapatkan perlindungan dan perawatan yg sempurna.
Koiji, rumput laut, bengkoang,
zaitun, vco tanpa mercury,hydrocuinon ataupun soda sapi dan zat2 berbahaya
Diamkan sabun
minimal 3 menit saat mandi 2-3x sehari (semakin lama didiamkan sebelum dibilas
air, hasilnya akan makin maximal). sel2 kulit mati terangkat sempurna saat anda
menggosoknya dan kulit akan langsung terlihat cerah! sabun derma sangat cepat
memutihkan kulit bahkan kulit yg gosong karena matahari sekalipun ataupun
faktor genetik. memudarkan flek dan meratakan warna kulit tubuh membantunya
tampak cerah dan putih alami, mengurangi guratan2, kerut,dll
Gunakan sabun
derma sebagai masker tubuh bila perlu/sangat dibutuhkan (ini untuk kondisi
kulit yg sangat kusam,hitam dan penuaan dini)
Gosokkan sabun
ditangan dan beri sedikit air sampai berbusa,gosokkan busa pada tangan,kaki dan
badan (kecuali muka) lakukan dalam keadaan tubuh kering sebelum mandi.diamkan
setengah jam lalu mandi/bilaslah dengan air hingga bersih.gosok kulit perlahan
bila perlu unt menghilangkan daki/pun mmbntu pemngangkatan sel2 kulit mati
setelah itu - pakai lotion setiap sehabis mandi agar hasilnya maximal sempurna.
lotion night derma boleh digunakan sejak sore hari saat matahari sudah tidak
lagi menyengat tubuh/kulit tidak lg membutuhkan perlindungan trhdp sengatan
matahari. jika terhapus/terkena air boleh mengulangi pemakaian derma lotion.
Harga : Rp. 180.000.-
CP. 085 852 171 115 / 085 236 701 787
NB. Harga belum termasuk ongkir
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