Kamis, 31 Mei 2012



Beauty Care Products which contain:
· 60% of swiftlet saliva, and 40% are a mixture of dr Derma White
· Yam Extract, Vit C, UV-A & UV-B

Proved successful u / regeneration of the skin and deal with complaints such as:
- Acne
- Black spots
- Wrinkles
- Large Pori2
- Former acne
- The face of dull, dry / oily
- Rough skin
- Black spots due to the use, consumption of birth control.

Cream is useful to nourish the skin protects the skin pd dr exposure to direct sunlight
And free radical attack.

Package consists of:
Day Cream, Night Cream, Barsoap / Cream Soap & Calming Cream.

Non hydroquinon / mercury. Safe u / ill usage and lead to dependence sehari2

Within 2 weeks of regular use visible results, without the process of peeling or reddish pink.

Price / Package Rp. 70,000. -
Call / SMS: 085 852 171 115/085 236 701 787

NB. Prices do not include Shipping

Produk Perawatan Kecantikan yg mengandung :
·     60% liur burung walet dan 40% nya adalah campuran dr Derma White
·     Extract Bengkuang ,Vit C ,UV-A & UV-B

Terbukti ampuh u/ regenerasi kulit dan mengatasi keluhan seperti :
-      Jerawat
-      Flek hitam
-      Kerutan
-      Pori2 besar
-      Bekas jerawat
-      Wajah kusam ,kering/berminyak
-      Kulit kasar
-      Flek hitam akibat penggunaan ,konsumsi alat KB.

Cream ini berguna untuk memberi nutrisi pd kulit wajah melindungi kulit dr paparan sinar matahari secara langsung
& serangan radikal bebas.

Paket terdiri dari :
Day Cream ,Night Cream ,Barsoap/Cream soap & Calming Cream.

Non Hydroquinon /mercury . Aman u/ pemakaian sehari2 dan tdk menyebabkan ketergantungan

Dalam 2 minggu pemakaian rutin hasil terlihat, tanpa proses pengelupasan atau kemerah merahan .

Harga /Paket Rp. 70.000.-
Call/SMS : 085 852 171 115 / 085 236 701 787

NB. Harga belum termasuk Ongkos kirim